Helpful Tools

On this page you will find various checklists I use when planning a camping trip. 
Feel free to use the files for personal (non-commercial) planning.
The packing check list is critical. There are several check lists in the document. The Base Packing List is for the common campsite items. The Food Pack List is for dry food items (chuck box) and for the cooler(s). The Individual Packing List are for each person who is going camping.
Camping Pack Lists
I typically have two check-boxes next to each item - one to indicate I own the item, another to indicate that I've packed the item. That way, I know what I need to buy versus what I already own.

Here is a sample meal planer from one of my past trips:
Sample Meal Planner
I typically figure out the length of the trip and then plug in breakfast, lunch & dinner options. This is more of a guideline to plan the grocery shopping list for the trip. We don't always adhere to the exact meals assigned to specific days.
Here is the checklist for camping expenses when camping with a group:
Camping Expenses-Group
Here is a snapshot of the chart, and how I calculate all the expenses.

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