Wednesday, July 25, 2012

LGBT Friendly Camping

Enjoying the camping experience should be available to all. But sadly, if you are a member of the LGBT community, there are other factors that need to take into consideration when embarking on a camping trip. I have many gay and lesbian friends who enjoy the outdoors. I have also heard some sad tales of homophobia ruining the outdoor experience (and in one case, damaging physical property). So, I recently came across this article and thought I'd share some resources for those LGBT singles, couples and families who are interested in the camping experience. Camp Gay USA also lists campgrounds by state which are either exclusively gay/lesbian or gay friendly. You can also read my post on Watch Hill, Fire Island which is very friendly to all and you will often see a mix of singles, couples and families, both straight and gay, and in every color of the rainbow. Hopefully one day all campgrounds can be enjoyed freely and without fear by everyone. Until then, I hope this information helps and happy camping!